
About Us

STEDRANT TECHNOCLINIC PVT LTD bearing Corporate Identity Number U74999KA2017PTC100477 was started on 14th February 2017 as an aid to Civil Engineering Community by a team of senior personnel with their earlier experience drawn from Torsteel Research Foundation in India and Civil-Aid Technoclinic Pvt Ltd. The services offered encompass a wide spectrum of Civil Engineering activities including building materials testing services. Apart from Specialist Engineering personnel, STEDRANT also has a panel of Advisors who help in special and critical assignments. STEDRANT, with the present infrastructure, has the expertise to understand and solve challenging problems in civil engineering.

STEDRANT offers its competitive services in the following diversified areas:

  • Structural Design and Consultancy Services, Design of special structures;
  • Proof Checking and Advisory Services;
  • Evaluation of Old & New Structures for their Structural Soundness,
  • Restoration & Rehabilitation of Structures;
  • Non-Destructive Testing of RC & Steel Structures;
  • Geo-technical Investigation & Foundation Designs;
  • Laboratory & Field Testing of Building Materials/ Components including special tests,
  • Quality Assurance/ Quality Audit of Constructions;

STEDRANT fully recognizes the importance of protecting the global ecosystem, minimizing the environmental footprint and reducing the use of natural resources by offering and encouraging optimized solutions in ways that support responsible and sustainable development. It is committed to continuous improvement of environmental performance to minimize the impact on the environment and will encourage its employees and business partners to do the same. The team at STEDRANT will provide solutions to assist clients in managing and mitigating structural risk in large infrastructure projects. This ultimately contributes to enhanced project performance through improved overall quality and durability, reduction in project delays and the minimization of re-work.

Scope of Services

  • Reviewing the Design Basis Report (DBR) for the adequacy of Design Philosophy, design intents, design parameters, compliance to various codes and practices etc.
  • Reviewing the soil report and proposed foundation system
  • Reviewing the ETABS/STAAD model furnished by the consultant and commenting on its correctness, loads and other parameters considered in the model or developing an independent 3D model for comparison.
  • Reviewing and checking the accuracy of the analysis and design of various structural elements / members for adequacy. Suggesting possible ways of value-engineering and optimization.
  • Certification of drawings for execution.

Softwares Used For PROOFCHECKING :
STAAD Pro , ETABS, SAFE, SAP 2000, AutoCAD, In house excel sheets

  • Quality Monitoring of Constructions through Periodic visits.
  • Quality Supervision through Day to Day Inspections
  • Quality assurance and Certification of Bills.
  • Furnishing reports on the observations, comments and recommendations to improve the quality, after site visits and inspections
  • Checking the compliance to recommendations on subsequent visits and inspections.
    • Testing of almost all building materials, bitumen, cement, concrete mix design, Geotechnical tests.
    • Testing of special bulidings components including precast elements.
    • Equipped with state-of-art testing machines
    • Facilities for carrying out testing of various construction materials as per BIS/ASTM/BS/EN/MORT&H/NHAI/ RAILWAY/ CPWD/DRDO/FIP specifications

  • Field Investigations by drilling boreholes and conducting field tests and collecting soil and rock samples
  • Laboratory Testing on soil and rock samples
  • Analysis and Recommendation of Foundation System
  • Design of Ground Improvement Techniques
  • Design of Earth Structures and Deep Excavation
  • Quality Control of Earth Works
  • Investigation of structures affected due to geotechnical reasons.
  • Assessment of quality / strength of RC members through Non Destructive, Semi Destructive and Load tests.
  • Assessment of quality / soundness of buildings / structures through NDT/ SDT.
  • Feasibility study for construction of additional floors.
  • Assessment of distress in structures and recommending restoration measures.
  • Assessment of structural deficiency and recommending appropriate strengthening measures.
  • Assessment of fire damage in structures and recommending appropriate strengthening measures.
  • Assessment of load carrying capacity of RC members by Performing load test.
  • Assessment of load capacity of embedded anchors by performing Pull-out test.
  • Performance load test on handrails, brackets, RC/ PSC poles, precast elements, staircase etc.
  • Tests on welded joints (DPT) / assessment of thickness in structural steel members.
  • Performance evaluation tests on low cost new technology buildings /materials.